
Frog dissectsion
Students dissecting a frog in science.

At Sollers Point Technical High School we offer 2 different science courses: Earth Systems and Livings Systems. Both courses are designed with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in mind. This means you can expect a problem solving/ project-based approach to much of what you will learn. Couple this with a group of teachers that loves not only what they teach but working with students. The result are classes that challenge your mind while engaging you in the passionate pursuit of science and the phenomena therein.


Earth Systems Honors #25.0960.4

Earth Systems is a complex, problem-based course aligned with NGSS that is designed to investigate processes that operate on Earth and address its place in the universe. Earth consists of a set of systems - atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere - that are intricately interconnected. Students will explore how minor changes, including human impacts, in one part of one system can have large and sudden consequences in parts of other systems or have no effect at all.

Earth Systems Gifted and Talented/Advanced Academics #25.0960.5

Earth Systems is a complex problem-based course aligned with NGSS that is designed to use critical thinking to investigate processes that operate on Earth and address its place in the universe. Earth consists of a set of systems - atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere - that are intricately interconnected. Students will explore and design solutions for how minor changes, including human impacts, in one part of one system can have large and sudden consequences in parts of other systems or have no effect at all.

Living Systems Honors  #25.3200.4

Living Systems is a complex, problem-based course aligned with NGSS designed to investigate the relationships between organisms. The study of life ranges from single molecules, through organisms and ecosystems, to the entire biosphere and its history that is all life on Earth. Students in this course analyze the interconnected and interacting components of life.

Living Systems Gifted and Talented/Advanced Academics #25.3200.5

Living Systems is a complex, problem- based course aligned with NGSS designed to investigate the relationships between organisms. The study of life ranges from single molecules, through organisms and ecosystems, to the entire biosphere and its history that is all life on Earth.  Students in this course will use critical thinking to evaluate the interconnected and interacting components of life.

*Program requirements are frequently updated. Please consult school for latest offering.


Catherine Lindeman
Science Department Chair, Science Teacher 

I enjoy working at Sollers as a science teacher and department chair. I have experience as a middle and high school teacher and my strength lies in making the content accessible to all students. As teachers, we have the difficult job of preparing students for the unknown and to solve problems that in some cases do not exist yet. The students at Sollers Point continue to amaze me with their tenacity and hard work.

Jeff Morgen
Science Teacher 

 I believe that science teaches us to ask questions and solve problems.  Students are the next generation who will apply science using technology, innovation and human adaptability to meet the challenges of the 21st century.  

Raymond Zacharski
Science Teacher 

Ray is an exciting and experienced science teacher.  He enjoys working with students and helping them master science concepts.

Bailey Burk
Science Teacher, PLTW - BioMed Teacher 

Why I love what I do: Teaching teenagers is the best because they are uniquely equipped to change the world. The students at Sollers are especially unique because they are becoming forces of change in the trades. The chance to teach my favorite classes to my favorite age group makes this the best job ever!

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