Biomedical Science -PLTW

BIomed Summer Camp

The Project Lead the Way
 BioMedical Science (BMS) Program is a sequence of courses that follows a proven hands-on, real-world problem-solving approach to learning. Students explore the concepts of human medicine and are introduced to topics such as physiology, genetics, microbiology and public health. 
Throughout BMS, students acquire strong teamwork and communication practices, and develop organizational, critical-thinking, and problem-solving skills.  In three foundation courses, students investigate various health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell disease, hypercholesterolemia, and infectious diseases.   Students also examine the interactions of human body systems and explore how to prevent and fight infection; screen and evaluate the code in human DNA; prevent, diagnose and treat cancer; and prevail when the organs of the body begin to fail.   In the capstone course, students have the opportunity to work on an independent project with a mentor or advisor from a university, hospital, research institution, or the biomedical industry.  The program is designed to prepare students to pursue a post-secondary education and careers in the biomedical sciences.

Uniform Information

We want to congratulate and welcome all of our biomedical science students! Since you start your program in ninth grade you will have to purchase a lab coat and bring in a hanger as a uniform requirement to participate in the program. You can purchase these from Amazon or a vendor of your choosing. They will be embroidered on site next year. If purchasing is a problem or you have any questions/ concerns, please contact Mr. D'Antonio at [email protected]." 



Completion of the program prepares students for:


Graduates from this program have a great start on these potential careers:

  • Clinical Medicine (Doctor, Surgeon, Therapist)
  • Research (Epidemiology, Molecular Medicine) 
  • Lab Technician (Hematology, Virology, Pathology)
  • Many more (Veterinary Science, Field Research, Forensics) 



Grade 9

Grade 10 

Grade 11

Grade 12

Science -PLTW


Living Systems GT

Principles of Biomedical Science H

Human Body Systems H

Anatomy and Physiology GT/AA

Earth Systems GT
Medical Interventions GT/AA

Biomedical Interventions GT/AA

Technology Education GT/AA

CWE or Dual Enrollment Option




Principles of Biomedical Science #63.5200.4 (H)

Students investigate the human body systems and various health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell disease, hypercholesterolemia, and infectious diseases. They determine the factors that led to the death of a fictional person and investigate lifestyle choices and medical treatments that may have prolonged the person's life. The activities and projects introduce students to human physiology, medicine, research processes and bioinformatics. This is designed to provide an overview of all the courses in the Biomedical Science program and lay the scientific foundation for subsequent courses.

Human Body Systems #63.5210.4 (H)

Students examine the interactions of body systems as they explore identity, communication, power, movement, protection, and homeostasis. Students design experiments, investigate the structures and functions of the human body, and use data acquisition software to monitor body functions such as muscle movement, reflex and voluntary actions, and respiration. Exploring science in action, students build organs and tissues on a skeletal manikin, work through interesting real-world cases and often play the role of biomedical professionals to solve medical mysteries.

Medical Interventions #63.5220.5 (GT/AA)

Students investigate the variety of interventions involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease as they follow the lives of a fictitious family. The course is a "How-To" manual for maintaining overall health and homeostasis in the body as students explore: how to prevent and fight infection; how to screen and evaluate the code in human DNA; how to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer; and how to prevail when the organs of the body begin to fail. Through these scenarios, students are exposed to the wide range of interventions related to immunology, surgery, genetics, pharmacology, medical devices, and diagnostics. Lifestyle choices and preventative measures are emphasized throughout the course as well as the important roles scientific thinking and engineering design play in the development of interventions of the future.

Biomedical Innovation #63.5230.5 (GT/AA)

In this capstone course, students apply their knowledge and skills to answer questions to solve problems related to the biomedical sciences. Students design innovative solutions for the health challenges of the 21st century as they work through progressively challenging open-ended problems, addressing topics such as clinical medicinephysiology, biomedical engineering, and public health. They have the opportunity to work on an independent project and may work with a mentor or advisor from a university, hospital, physician's office, or industry. Throughout the course students are expected to present their work to an adult audience that may include representatives from the local business and health care community.


Jim D'Antonio
Department Chair PLTW - Biomedical Science
PLTW Biomedical Science Teacher

The goal of education is to empower students to move forth successfully into their future. I feel lucky to have a hand in this and truly love teaching Biomedical Science. Through my courses I get to learn and share the mechanistic nature of our human bodies which enables students to make informed decisions on not only their career pathway but how to treat the only body we will ever have. 

Sang Choi
PLTW Biomedical Science Teacher

I fell in love of teaching when I came to Sollers Point Technical High School. Our approach of hands on learning and caring for our students at this school drives me to do better every day.  I love interacting with students who claim that they hate science and aren’t good at it, convinced that I am there to simply torture them. I enjoy the moment when they are surprised that they got the tricky concept in science. I believe that every child can achieve, and it is my mission to find the way for the child to be successful.

Bailey Burk
PLTW Biomedical Science Teacher

Why I love what I do: Teaching teenagers is the best because they are uniquely equipped to change the world. The students at Sollers are especially unique because they are becoming forces of change in the trades. The chance to teach my favorite classes to my favorite age group makes this the best job ever!

Student Dissection of Eyeball
Students with Ambulance
Biomed students
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