Algebra 1 #20.2100.0
This course begins with one-variable statistics, building on ideas from previous courses. Then, students
expand their understanding of linear equations, inequalities, and systems of linear equations and
inequalities by modeling and representing relationships and constraints. This learning is applied to two variable statistics through scatter plots, lines of best fit, residuals, and correlation coefficients. A study of
functions (linear, piecewise, exponential, and quadratic) provides opportunities for students to represent,
interpret, and communicate quantitative relationships. The course ends with a close look at quadratic
equations to model relationships and solve problems.
Geometry#20.3000.0 #20.3000.4 (Honors) #20.0900.5 (GT/AA)
This course begins with generating conjectures and observations through constructions and builds towards
formal proof. Students build on their knowledge from previous courses to study transformations and
similarity. This learning is extended to right triangle trigonometry. Students derive and use volume
formulas and connect ideas from algebra through coordinate geometry. A study of the relationships in
circles and the development of radian measures provides a foundation for future coursework. The course
ends by extending learning from probability in grade 7 mathematics to study conditional probability.
Algebra 2 #20.2200.0, #20.2200.4 (Honors), #20.0850.5 (GT/AA)
This course begins with a study of sequences, building on ideas from Algebra 1, to develop models for
polynomial relationships. Students work to graph and represent rational functions. Then, students extend
exponent rules to include rational exponents to solve equations involving square and cube roots. The
number system is expanded to include complex numbers and connected to solving quadratic equations
with non-real solutions. A deep study of functions (exponential and logarithmic), including transformations
and models to fit data, connects to the study of functions in Algebra 1. Students learn about periodic
functions through the unit circle to make sense of trigonometric functions and periodic relationships. The
course ends with a unit on statistical inference.
Pre-Calculus #20.4900.4 (Honors) #20.4910.5 (GT/AA)
This course serves as a foundation for students who will be taking calculus and combines content from
College Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry. Additional topics include partial fraction
decomposition and introduction to limits.
Mike Maiste
Mathematics Department Chair, Mathematics Teacher
I have taught Math at 4 levels of education: elementary, middle, high, and university. My favorite part of teaching is helping students explore Math concepts and discover the beauty of Math. I am always looking for that “aha! moment” from my students. I strive to provide an enjoyable yet challenging learning experience for my students. I hope that all of my students grow to enjoy Math the way I do!
Lauries Seibert
National Board Certified Mathematics Teacher
I love teaching mathematics! I have earned National Board Certification as a mathematics teacher, the "Gold Standard" in teacher certification. I enjoy having conversations with students, colleagues, and parents about how they see mathematics: patterns, problem solving, and puzzles. Sollers is a school that allows students to showcase their interests and I’m so happy to be working here!
Michael Ayres
Mathematics Teacher
My teaching philosophy is that every student deserves to get as much help as they want. I love Sollers because the small class sizes and plentiful support personnel mean that, that is a possibility.
Logan Call
Mathematics Teacher
I love working with the bright students of Sollers Point to help them be the best version of themselves. One of my main goals is to lead students towards seeing the value of mathematical thinking in their everyday lives.
Lindsey Plourde
Mathematics Teacher
I love teaching math because I feel that I can help the students understand a concept that may be difficult to them. I try to relate the concepts to their lives to help them succeed.