Nurses Office

The Health Suite is currently preparing for your child’s safe return to school. If you have any medical concerns you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact me:

Dawn Borst, RN
Sollers Point Technical High School


443-809-7075 Sollers Point Tech 
443-809-7074 Health Suite 
Please leave students name and a contact number on voicemail so I may return your call. 

Reminder:  Since your student will be attending a Home School and Sollers Point, it is important to fill out a form for each school.  Please share your information with both schools when possible, so that all health records are up to date.  If necessary, I will make copies of the forms to send to the Home School.  The information that you share with the Sollers Point nurse will be shared with the home school’s nurse when necessary.


Updated Guidelines
The CDC and Maryland Department of Health have incorporated COVID-19 guidance with the guidelines for other respiratory infections, such as flu and RSV.
Students and staff who develop a respiratory infection (e.g., fever with cough, sore throat, and/or runny nose) should stay home until the fever is gone for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication and their symptoms are improving.
Health officials recommend that people with respiratory infections consult with their health care provider. Testing for COVID-19 and/or influenza is recommended for persons who are at higher risk for severe disease who might benefit from antiviral treatment and for those who have anticipated close contact for persons at higher risk for severe disease.
Persons returning to school and work after a respiratory infection are encouraged to use additional prevention strategies such as maintaining physical distance from others and wearing a mask for give (5) days. 
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